Health Hazards & Solutions
Sunday 12th May 2024 14.00 CET to 18.00 CET /
13.00 – 17.00 Dublin time

We proudly present the Health Hazards & Solutions Online Seminar the 12th of May 2024 14.00-18.00 CET / 13.00 – 17.00 Dublin time.

Highlighting the numerous attacks on our health in our modern world such as toxins in our water, food and air, radiation, lack of minerals and nutrients.

Renowned Professors, medical doctors/physicians, Scientists and Experts in their field will give a clear picture of what is causing numerous unnecessary health Hazards as well as offer Solutions that have been well researched and that go to the root of curing many of our modern health problems.

Support us to spread the word about these very important issues with us and welcome to join us free live!

Information on how to join and the link to the live stream will be presented on: